Tornado FAQs
Tornados are one of the most violent phenomena of nature. Although predicting and identifying the development of a tornado has become more effective, however, when it hits a region the devastation it causes is immense. Hence, it is imperative that once a tornado strike is predicted, every individual should be well prepared for his own safety and well-being.
Once the gusty winds and storms fade away you can see the amount of damage that has been done to your property. In most of the cases, roofs are blown away, walls get toppled, and there is debris littered all around the place. That’s when we wonder how to pick up the threads and begin all over again. Keeping that in mind we have compiled a list of some commonly asked questions about the damage that a tornado can cause to your property and how do you go about re-building your lives.
We have tried to cover all major aspects of tornado damage. However, in case you still have any further queries then feel free to please contact our team, we will be happy to serve you.
What should I do once the tornado has passed?
The first step is to check if your area is at risk of another tornado strike. In case the weather is cleared then it is time to assess the damage. Be very careful while making your way to your home to check if your belongings are in place. Once you have checked indoors then you check for exterior damage.
What damage can be caused by a tornado?
Most of the damage happens due to exposure to extreme winds and by flying debris. A tornado moves like a blender full of big and small projectiles like broken glass, shingles, nails, wires, trees, furniture, etc. This is the reason why people should not enter a heavily damaged area of a building or home unless the inspection has been done by a professional.
Can tornado damage the roof, even if it is a few blocks away?
If your house is within a mile or more of the path of a tornado, then there is a high possibility that your roof can be damaged by tornado itself or by the strong winds. Tornado typically ranges from 10 yards wide to over a mile, however, the path of damage that they leave behind is much wider.
How does roof damage occur during tornado?
A roof can be damaged in a number of ways when a tornado passes by. The strong winds and the vacuum created thereafter can cause serious updrafts that can actually suck the roofing material or the sheathing under the roofing material. This is the reason why most of the homes are being built with tornado straps that keep the trusses secure to the lower framing of the house.
In addition, roofs can be damaged by the debris. When high-speed winds slams into a wooded area, tree limbs and in some cases the entire tree is blown away in all directions. These flying projectiles can crash onto the roofs and damage them badly.
Another cause of damage is hail which often accompanies tornado which can cause a serious problem to the structure.
How should I inspect my home for tornado damage?
If you are living in an area that is near to the tornado affected place and there are strong winds around then your roof is vulnerable to damage.
Once the weather has settled and there is no danger of reoccurrence then you should inspect your roof. Look out for missing shingles, tiles or shakes and check for chimney damage as well. You can also look out for any gaps in the roof due to missing flashings. All this can cause serious water damage during the next heavy rain.
Finding the damage right away can prevent your roof from being vulnerable to secondary damage from future storms and rains. Secondly, many insurance companies refute claims on secondary damage if the primary damage was not noticed by the homeowner.
At Allegiant roofing, our team of experts can do an inspection of your roof accurately. They are trained for such situations and have all safety measures in place to identify the damage carefully.
Can I do some temporary repairs after a tornado?
Be very careful when you enter your home after a tornado. However, to begin with, you can remove debris, broken glass, tree branches, and other debris where it is safe. Make sure you wear boots and gloves to prevent any injury.
What should I do if I find that my utility line is damaged?
In case you notice that your power line has been damaged then stay away and contact the service provider for repair. In addition, do check the utility lines. In case of gas leakage smell, turn off the main valve and keep windows and doors open.
When should I call a professional roofer?
If you notice any damage on your roof that you are unable to fix, it is advisable to call a roofing contractor as it will not only save your time and money but will relieve you from a big hassle. The professional roofers can thoroughly inspect the roof for damages and can also give you an estimated cost for repair and replacement.
What happens if lightning strikes my home?
In such a case, roofs and chimneys can be damaged very easily. If lightning has struck the chimney then in addition to the damage to the chimney, there is a possibility of flashings around the chimney getting damaged. This can lead to rainwater seeping onto the roof deck and in your home.
How does hail damage my roof?
Smaller size hails may not damage the roofing material but hails that are large in size may break the tiles and loosen the shingles.
What damage can be caused to sidings after a tornado?
Vinyl sidings can be easily damaged during strong winds and heavy rains. There could be cracks or splits that run parallel to siding. This is mostly found in the middle of ridges and valley of the panel. Sidings can also chip off and flying debris and large hailstones can break or create holes in the sidings.
In case you have aluminum sidings, then dents and dings are most common. Sometimes pieces of aluminum sidings can also get ripped off entirely. The damage to the aluminum sidings can be seen clearly during early morning or late evening.
What is windstorm?
The insurance companies tend to group these perils of nature into a broader category. So windstorms usually include tornadoes, high winds, and hurricanes. The windstorms can cause wide damage. For instance, in case of wildfires caused due to high winds, an affected property may have a combination of fire damage and windstorm while the high winds of a tropical storm or a hurricane can blow off the roof and drive hail and water into the house.
How can a public adjuster help after tornado damage?
Public adjusters are typically experienced to handle such situations. They know in and out of the insurance claim process in case of tornado damage. This way you can stay in control of the insurance claim process, proceedings, and negotiations and issues if any that can cause delay or underpayments.
How much money do I get from the insurance company once I raise the claim?
The final value of the claim will be finalized by your insurance company according to the report submitted by their adjustor. However, it also depends on the age of the roof, and that is the reason that in some cases the amount paid by the insurance company is less than the actual cost of replacement or repair due to depreciation.
How do I prepare my home for a tornado?
Tornadoes are powerful natural phenomena, however, you can take the following steps to ensure that it causes minimum damage to your home-
- Storm doors can protect the exterior doors from winds, flying debris, and hail
- Steel sidings are durable, long-lasting, fire and water resistant besides being environment-friendly. The chances of cracking, ripping off, buckling, or otherwise falling are less.
- Use of metal roofing products such as stone-coated steel shingles can make your roof tornado resistant. Steel roofs are highly resistant to fire and can reduce the chances of roof damage in case lightning strikes. Many insurance companies offer discounted premiums for installing durable metal roofs in place of an asphalt shingle roof.
Allegiant roofing can help you prepare for tornadoes more effectively. You can call our experts who can guide you on severe weather protection for your roofs. Besides that, we can also help you to put your life back together post the aftermath while working with you and your insurer to replace or repair damaged roofing, gutters, sidings, and windows.
Contact us today and make your home more resistant to extreme weather conditions!