Comic Creator Expo: Annual Kettering SuburbiCon

The Yellow Kid, the first comic book, was published in 1897. The golden age of comic books, however, would come 41 years later with the debut of the first Superman in Action Comics #1 in 1938. Batman premiered less than a year later in Detective Comics #27.

Comic Creator Expo: Annual Kettering SuburbiCon

Fortunately, comic books are still considered part of modern-day culture. In 2016, retailers ordered 8.53 million copies of the top 300 comic books. To support independent creators, artists and writers behind comic books, Kettering is hosting SuburbiCon, a comic creator expo. Allegiant Roofing, a local roofer in the area, shares what to expect during this event.

SuburbiCon 2018

SuburbiCon is one of the most awaited events in Kettering. People gather together to share their love for comic books in a one-day comic creator expo, showcasing the amazing works of regional and local comic book creators, including Bruce O. Hughes, Todd Beistel, Frank James Bailey, Scott Bachmann and many more.

Apart from meeting local comic book creators, you can also join the Fan Art Contest. The winner will get to design the artwork for next year’s SuburbiCon event poster. Kids can also enjoy free art activities like superhero mask making. Allegiant Roofing, a local siding contractor, invites you to this event on October 6 at the Trent Arena Lobby.

What’s New?

To make the 2018 SuburbiCon more enjoyable, people wearing their favorite comic character costume can get a free goodie bag. You can also join the Super Hero Relay. Winners will receive exciting prizes.

Turn to Allegiant Roofing for your all your roofing and other home improvement projects. Call us today at (937) 660-6312, or fill out our online form to learn more about our products and services. We serve residents of Kettering, OH.

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