A roof makes up to 40% of the visual space on the exterior of your home and can have a significant impact on its overall curb appeal. Having a well-maintained or a new roof especially when you are looking to sell your property can come in as a powerful marketing tool to decide the value of your home. According to experts, most of the building issues stem from water leakage coming from the roof and if you are planning to sell a property with a damaged roof you may not get the price you expect. So the answer to “does a new shiny roof increase the value of your home” is a definite ‘yes’. Moreover, it makes your home easier to sell.
Here is how and why a new shiny roof can boost the value of your home
The roof of a home is much more important than people may think. While it protects you from the impending elements, it also helps with your home’s overall efficiency. With technological advancements now there are more roofing options than ever. Here we have compiled a few points on how and why installing a new roof adds value to your property.

Improved technology and efficiency
One of the most important reasons why a new roof can boost the value of your home is due to the technological advancements made in the roofing technology. From individualized shingle technology to solar panel roofing, there are now tons of options to choose from. Now you can get a customized roof with an upgrade in the variety of aesthetic values that can give a complete makeover to the exterior of your home. The new shingles are now more efficient than before. With these upgrades, you can increase the longevity of the roof even if you don’t plan to sell the property.
Increased curb appeal
A new shiny roof will add to the curb appeal of your home. Like we mentioned above with new advanced high-grade asphalt shingles you can choose the texture and color that perfectly blend with your home. Besides the minute details that the shingles can add, you will be able to immediately improve your home’s first impression to potential buyers. A great looking roof will attract more buyers and more buyers mean that you will be able to sell your home at a good price. Furthermore, increased interested buyers also mean less money spent on maintenance and marketing.
Zero inspection issues
One of the main problems when selling a home is to make sure that you pass all inspection needs. While you may have maintained your roof well but there is always a chance that something needs improving. If your roof, the most visible part of your home is not in a good condition than it is likely that your home sale may get halted by the building inspector. You will not have to get the roof fixed or install a new one but you will also lose market value of your home from having halted potential interested buyers.

The Bottom Line
According to experts installing a new roof will not only get you added benefits of increased footfall at your open house but you also have a chance of increasing your return on investment to a profitable value. However, it depends on the type of roof you chose to get installed and the features you add. Whatever price range your home lies in, you just need to pick something that compliments your home and if you know whom to call, you can rest assured of the entire process.
At Allegiant Roofing we offer the best roofing solutions. So if you are looking for roof replacement, repair or just want to get your roof inspected give us a call at (937) 907-0009 we will be happy to help you.