Your porch roof doesn’t keep you warm at night but it’s still vital for your home’s structural integrity. Just like your home roof, your porch roof also needs care and attention. That is to say, you need to get repairs and maintenance done as soon as you notice them and when it is time to replace the roof of your porch, invest in long-lasting materials and quality workmanship.
But how would you know that your porch needs a new roof? Here is how you can find out if you need to replace your porch roof.
Sagging and Leaking
With time, your porch roof may show signs of sagging or leakage. A sagging issue can be detected from the exterior and if you do not notice anything from outside you can do a reality check from inside the attic. Attic is the best place to identify any leaks. The signs of a leak include dark streaks, visible sun rays seeping through the wood boards, rotting of wood, dripping water, and mold growth. As soon as you notice any of these signs, do not hesitate to hire a roofing company in Dayton, Ohio for a complete replacement or any repairs.
Bulges and Stains
If you happen to notice a bulge or an ugly stain on your porch’s roof do not waste time. Such issues need immediate attention. Do not delay since a bulge or a dip in the roof of your porch can lead to major structural issues if you leave them unattended. Delaying can lead to costly repairs and you and your family will be at risk of getting injured in case the roof collapses. Bulge indicates rotting underneath the roof and the stains due to moisture and leak can damage the roof over time.
Damaged Shingles
Checking for any missing, buckled-up or curled shingles near the roof boundary are telltale signs that your porch roof needs a replacement. All these are indicators that the shingles on the roof are damaged. Hire a professional roofing company to ascertain whether only repair work can save the roof of your porch or it will need a complete replacement. Also, do check the gutter on your roof for any shingle-related debris as it can damage the shingles further.
Lack of flashings
Inadequate flashings are one of the primary issues that may plague the roof of your porch. Flashings should be in-place where the roof meets the side of your home. If some of is missing or there isn’t any, warped or damaged, there are chances of water seepage underneath the shingles. This can eventually cause leaks, rot, and destruction of your porch if you allow it to go unchecked.

Though the porch is a small part of your house, but when the roof over your porch starts deteriorating, it is an indication that maintenance is needed elsewhere as well. A well-maintained roof can protect your home and preserve the investment you made for your porch’s roof.
At Allegiant Roofing we ensure that each roofing job is done using quality materials and with precision. Contact us today for a free estimate.