Emergency Roof Repair- Ways to avoid further damage to your roof

One cannot predict when significant damage will happen to your roof; whether it is due to a thunderstorm, a fallen tree or fire.

Roof is an integral part of your property that safeguards the interiors of your home needs to be protected from extensive damage during a roofing emergency. Keeping that in mind here we have compiled a few tips on emergency roof repair.

But before we jump to our tips let us first understand what an emergency roof repair is. Some people believe that emergency repairs only apply to huge holes in the roof caused by tree damage, weather damage, or some other unexpected event. However, emergency roof repairs are smaller in nature but can cause widespread damage. For instance, don’t wait for days or weeks after you have noticed a water stain on your ceiling. While a missing flashing or any other small issue maybe the root cause of the problem, so the longer you wait to call for repair, the more water damage can happen.

Take immediate action after a sudden catastrophic event

If a tree has fallen on your roof or high winds have peeled a section of your roof, you should act immediately. Here you need to do an emergency repair instead of waiting for a permanent repair to avoid further damage to the roof. Once the situation is safe you can cover the roof with large plastic tarps which you can buy from home improvement stores. You can nail down the edges of the tarp and cover the nail heads with roofing cement. Covering the damage can prevent additional water damage.

Find the source

The key to quick repair is to identify the source of the leak. Typically the first place to check is the attic because before the leak penetrates the ceiling, it will first travel from the source to the joints in your attic. Once you find the source you can re-adhere the source of the leak with help of proper materials.

Funnel the flow and collect water

Even if you have found the source of the leak but you are unable to fix it you can funnel the flow of water and collect it. To do this, you can poke a hole wherever the ceiling is holding water. It can significantly reduce further damage to the roof as it will allow the water to flow elsewhere instead of building up in one area. However, you might have to do this in various places throughout your home in case the rooftop damage is severe.

Missing, curled or damaged shingle

To buy yourself a little time before you can hire a professional roofer you can do the following to help you skate through the rainy days.

  • If you notice a curled shingle, you can straighten it by softening it with a heat gun and gluing it down with roofing cement.
  • You can slide back any loose shingle under the bottom edge of the above row and nail it securely and cover it with roofing cement.
  • Apply roofing cement to all worn or cracked joints and at the edge of flashings to help seal the roof.

These quick-fix roof repairs are temporary, you will have to call a roofer as soon as possible to avoid any further damage.

Protecting your roof from emergency repairs

While some instances cannot be avoided but you can protect your roof from sudden damage. For instance, if your yard has large trees with dead branches, have these removed. Get your roof inspected regularly for small signs of damage before they come extensive financially and structurally.

At Allegiant Roofing we can help you with all your roof repairs and replacement. Contact us today for all roofing solutions.

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