Worried about mold and algae that you have spotted on your roof?
Mold and algae should be dealt with to maintain your roof’s health and looks. Mold growth on the roof can be dangerous for your family’s health and are usually difficult to get rid of. So here are a few tips that can help you get mold or algae off your roof.
How to spot algae & mold on your roof?
Mold usually starts to grow in the damp areas of the attic and can spread to the roof. It comes in different colors from black, brown, or green. Whereas, algae is usually blue-green or green in color. Mold and algae grow directly on the shingles and multiply in humid weather.
How to clean mold & algae from your roof?
If there is mold growth underneath the shingles or on your roof, you will spot more than just exterior stains. Getting an attic mold inspection from professional roofers to determine the extent of the damage would be a good idea.
Cleaning mold and algae from your roof would require you to climb up the roof, so most people prefer to call a roof repair company for cleaning and to ensure that the roof underlayment is not damaged.
However, if you want to do DIY, here are some suggestions that can help you get mold and algae off your roof. You will need the following-
- A hose with a nozzle or wand, but you need to make sure there is no pressure washing as it can damage the roof.
- Oxygen bleach cleaners can be used instead of laundry bleach if you are concerned about runoff harming your lawn or garden.
- An equal proportion mix of bleach and water can also be used. You can apply the mixture with a sprayer and allow it to sit for half an hour and then rinse thoroughly with low-pressure water.
- Trisodium phosphate can also be used for cleaning. You will have to add half a cup per gallon of water and bleach solution for a robust cleaning.
- Readymade cleaners are also available in the market but you should read instructions carefully to ensure that you are using the right product.

How to stop mold and algae from coming back?
The simple way to keep mold and algae from coming back is to keep out moisture. You can get waterproofing done on your roof from a roofing company.
Another important step to avoid mold and algae growth on the roof is regular cleaning of your roof. Make sure that you clean the debris and ensure that the gutters are working to allow water to drain. Prune the overgrown tree branches so that they aren’t hanging over your roof.
Get a regular roof inspection done at least once a year to ensure that bacteria growth is eliminated. Roof repair companies can also fix the shingles if damaged or curled which will minimize the chance of having to deal with major mold and algae issues in the future.

Contact Allegiant Roofing
Working on a roof can be dangerous especially when it is wet. Moreover, there are chances that the stained roof may have been damaged underneath the shingles which may need a repair. To help with your roof cleaning and repairing contact our roofers to take care of the job professionally.