Your roof takes the beating in the summer season, between intense sunlight, scorching heat, and high winds it is natural that your roof experiences some wear and tear. Since the roof is an integral part of your home, it must be in a good condition all the time.
During summers, the heat absorbed by a roof raises the temperatures inside the house, leading to increased air conditioning requirements which as a result leads to higher energy costs. Therefore it is essential to keep your roof in the best shape possible and for this, we have listed some useful ways to help you make your roof summer ready.
Ways to prepare your roof for summers
Roof Garden
This is one of the finest ideas for making your roof ready for summer and keeping the whole house clean. You can always go ahead and grow a roof garden. This will not only keep the house cool but will help the environment better as well. More greens always imply a healthy nature and environment. And will also be a very positive aspect of your home year-long while beating the heat of summer.
Clean roof gutters
Leaves, dirt and other debris that get blown around during spring storms can block your roof gutters. When water is allowed to pool on your roof, it increases the chances of water seepage into the attic and can finally make way to your home. So as the temperature warms up, make sure you clean the roof gutters so that they can function properly.
Check for any missing or damaged shingles
Sometimes changing temperatures can cause shingles and tiles on your roof to come loose, and when this happens, the vulnerable inner layer of your roofing system gets exposed to nature’s elements. These can become prime areas for moisture and leaks to occur, and if not addressed, can cause serious damage to the roof. You should also look out for curled shingles that have suffered damage from moisture or shingles that have started to lose their protective granules. Calling a professional roofer for a roofing inspection before the change of season is always a great idea to avoid any further damage.
HVAC Maintenance
Having your HVAC system services before the onset of summer is a great way to make your roof summer ready. Cleaning or changing the filters of your air conditioning system regularly can prevent condensation from entering your house. This also helps in reducing humidity while boosting the air quality inside the house. Failing to do so can lead to excess moisture that can eventually damage the roof and may even lead to the growth of mold. You can avoid these problems by performing HVAC maintenance.
Having proper insulation will help in maintaining comfortable temperature inside your home and will also reduce the cooling costs during the hot summer days. If your home is not properly insulated, hire a professional to install insulation in your attic.
Hope you find the above tips useful.

One of the best ways for making your home summer ready is to get a professional roofing inspection. Our experts at Allegiant Roofing will be able to help you with all your roofing needs. All you need is to just fill out our online request form or call us at (937) 907-0009.