Benefits of commercial roof uplift testing

Building roofing systems are typically installed to resist possible roof uplifts brought about by winds moving at average speeds. However, in case of stronger winds that pick up intensities and reach hurricane and tornado levels, roof uplifts can be different wherein the roof may not hold out against the wind and completely disengage from the roofing system. 

At Allegiant Roofing Dayton OH and Allegiant Roofing Cincinnati OH, our team of experienced professionals concentrates on the most important aspect of roofing- to consider the roof’s ability to withstand a wind uplift. In the case of commercial buildings, it is especially crucial to carefully consider a roofing expert who is certified, insured and licensed. 

Why is commercial roof uplift testing important?

Gives an estimation of the roofing quality

One of the most significant benefits of commercial roof uplift testing is to evaluate the quality of the roofing system and its potential to stand up to extreme weather. What determines the strength of the roofing system is its capability to hold up to different wind speeds. Our experts at roofing Dayton OH and Cincinnati OH conduct a wind uplift rating, a standard test to ascertain this ability and help determine the utmost wind level that a roof can withstand before it gets lifted.

Helps pinpoint shortcomings in design

The tests can detect irregularities in the design, which could snowball into major deficiencies in the future. Thus, if detected and rectified in time, these anomalies can be prevented from burgeoning into degeneration and minimized to help prolong the roof’s longevity. Sometimes the inconsistencies we come across are insufficient adhesives, irregular roof board placement, and fastener placement.

Precondition for insurance

Certain insurance companies have roof uplift testing enumerated in their requirements, especially in areas that are prone to hurricanes, as it helps them gauge the risk element involved in insuring such property. The good news is, this test is recognized as an international standard and thus can be used in different places and for different bodies.

Safety Issues

Commercial roof uplift testing will give you peace of mind knowing you and those occupying the premises are safe, especially as various parts of the United States have experienced extreme weather conditions and changing weather patterns.

Increases longevity of the roof

Roof uplift retests from time to time go a long way in apprehending wear and tear that end up in degradation. Roofing materials such as fasteners and insulation have a limited lifespan and show signs of wear-off after some time. Identifying these parts and replacing them in proper time can improve roof lifespan. 

In Conclusion

For custodians of commercial buildings, the safety of its inhabitants should be foremost. Doing roof uplift tests at proper intervals will lend them the assurance of a safe property as well as keep them out of hassles with insurance firms, local authorities and companies that have extended warranties. Moreover, if you have contracted Allegiant Roofing Dayton OH and Allegiant Roofing Cincinnati OH, our expert team will help with corrections and adjustments and save on costs that would have to be shelled in future over repairs and replacements. 

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