A roof is like a protective shield of your home that safeguards you and your property from natural elements. Therefore, it needs to be maintained in a perfect condition all the time from the stuff that endangers the roof significantly.
We are sure you do not want to compromise it and leave your home roofless. Therefore, to be on the safe side you need to be well aware of the things that can cause severe damage to the roof of your home.
Here is the list of the stuff that endangers the roof of your home

You may think that your roof can bear the hailstorm strike as long as they are small in size. However, that is not the case. Each hail storm can weaken the granules so even if it does not destroy the roof at once, it will gradually cause damage. With time the weak granules can lead to leakages. Once you notice any leakage you should immediately contact a roofing expert to avoid further damage to the roofing system.

Snow and Ice
During the winter season, although icicles look beautiful hanging from the gutters and eves. However, they can actually damage the roof. As the snow on the roof melts, it runs down the roof and refreezes on the edge of the roof forming icicles. The icicles can lead to mold formation, water damage, wood rot, and even leaks if they are not removed regularly. To avoid such a situation you must have a good attic ventilation and regular maintenance service from roofing professionals.
Trees add to the beauty of your landscaping but they can also be damaging to your roof if not maintained properly. During heavy rains and storms, the tree limbs/branches can break and fall off on your roof causing shingles to break or become dislodged. This can lead to leaks in your attic and the moisture can seep into your home. Therefore, you must regularly inspect the trees and get the branches pruned to avoid damage to your roof.

Algae and Moss
One of the worst stuff that endangers the roof is algae and moss that typically grow in wet and cold areas. They are generally seen on areas of the roof that are underneath the shade of a tree. Once there is moss or algae growth on the roof, it acts like a sponge that holds water against the surface of your roof and with time can cause the roof to rot. Therefore, if you see algae or moss formation then it is advisable to call roofing experts for proper cleaning before it causes further damage.
Insects, birds, and animals can also cause significant damage to the roof. For instance, insects such as wood borers and termites can eat away into the timber that supports your roof leading to severe damage. On the other hand, birds may pock into your shingles causing distortions and breakages. Similarly, raccoons can damage shingles and vent.
Besides the above, you should also look out for malfunctioning downspouts and gutters, leaves and other debris which may get accumulated on the roof and can collect moisture over the time damaging shingles. Even extreme heat and UV rays can also cause a damage to the roof. Therefore, calling roofing professionals for semi-annual or annual inspections is always advisable.
Call roofing experts from Allegiant roofing today if you think your roof is endangered from any of the above.