Vertical Siding: Why It’s the More Practical Choice

When it comes to exterior siding installation, you actually have two choices on how your siding will be installed. The most common way is horizontal, and the other is vertical. The difference between the two isn’t just on how it’s oriented, though, and today, Allegiant Roofing explains why vertical siding is actually the more practical choice.

Vertical Siding: Why It’s the More Practical Choice

Easier to Install

This is due to the fact that it comes with interlocking panels that make installing this siding faster than its horizontal counterparts. While it requires furring strips for a leveled look, it’s just one extra step to an easier installation.

Less Maintenance

Since water flows downward from the roof, the debris it carries will often get stuck between the spaces of the horizontal siding. Vertical siding, on the other hand, is oriented vertically, so there’s no space for water and debris to accumulate. In fact, the way the siding is oriented actually allows it to shed water better than its horizontal counterpart.

As your local roofing contractors, we highly recommend vertical siding if you want exteriors that require less maintenance, especially after rains and storms. It still requires timely cleaning, but the fact that it sheds water better means it’s also easier to clean.

Vertical Siding and the Board and Batten Look

One of the biggest draws to using vertical siding is that it allows you to recreate the board and batten design in your home that can work for both traditional and contemporary homes. This gives your home a unique look that increases your curb appeal and will have a positive impact on its value, too. Vertical siding is also a bit of a rarity in homes, so your home will stand out from the rest of the neighborhood.

At Allegiant Roofing, we’ll provide you with a clear siding and gutter replacement cost estimate for your next exterior project. Call us today at (937) 660-6312 to learn more about our services. We offer expert exterior siding installation in West Chester and other parts of Ohio.

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