Winter is here and its time that you climb up your roof and ensure that your roof is ready to take the grind.
The roof of your home protects you from the cold season, therefore you must take steps to ensure it is up to par. Don’t worry it won’t take too long, mostly it is a simple inspection that you should do before the snow gets on the roof. It is always better to call professional roofing contractors as they are well equipped and trained to handle all kind of roofing issues.
Here are a few tips that can help you to make your roof ready to take the grind of the winter season-
Clean debris off and around your roof
For winterizing your roof, the first step is to clean the debris from your roof. In case you have overhanging branches then it is advisable to prune them 6 feet from the edge of your roof to avoid sap from dropping on your roof.
Make sure that you clean the debris from the gutters as well because anything left can stop water draining. The gutters should be able to filter out snow and water seamlessly because if they don’t then it can lead to problems like mold, mildew, and fungus.

As you clean your roof look for trouble signs if any, such as- accumulated asphalt granules in gutters, damaged flashings, missing /curled/cracked shingles. If you find any such issue, it is advisable to call an experienced roofer to have potential problems inspected.
Repair lose shingles
Imminent snow storms can further damage the shingles to a point that they become beyond repair. It is always easier to repair a few shingles instead of replacing the whole roof. So check the shingles thoroughly before inclement weather hits snow and ice on them.

Insulate your attic
In case you had excessive icicles last winter, this could be a sign of a poorly insulated attic. The heat from the house escapes through the ceiling and melts the snow sitting on the roof. Your roof must have an evenly distributed insulation as it will not only lower the energy bills but will also reduce the amount of heavy ice sitting on your roof.
Moreover, properly insulated attic can keep your house and roof warmer and a warmer roof means less fewer problems later. Therefore, before the winters set in it is always advisable to get an inspection done from roofing experts.
Exterior fixes
Look out for cracks on the exterior of your house where cold air can seep in. It is a good way to determine whether your sidings need repairs.

Call the roofing experts for making your roof winter ready
A licensed roofing contractor can provide a complete inspection of the roof. At Allegiant Roofing we can help you with all your roofing needs and can prepare your roof for the winter season as per your satisfaction.
Just remember, a little preventive maintenance can save you a lot down the road.
Call our roofing experts today!