A person's hands inspecting hail balls for potential hail damage.

How To Spot The Signs Of Hail Damage On Your Roof?

The roofs are meant to withstand extreme weather and protect our home, however, hail damage is not always preventable. Hailstones can range from as small as a pea to the size of a softball and bigger size hailstones can fall nearly 100 miles an hour that can cause damage to your roof. Hail damage can … Continued
A house with a green roof covered in moss.

How To Take Care Of Your Green Roof?

Although the homeowners have recently really begun to understand the benefits of having a green roof; it’s not a new concept. Keeping in mind the increasing popularity of green roofs among the homeowners we have listed some useful tips that can help you to take care of your green roof. Green roofs, like gardens, need … Continued
Keywords: solar panels

Description: A residential house equipped with solar panels on its roof.

Things To Consider Before Installing Solar Panels On The Roof

Reducing your carbon footprint, saving on your energy bill, and improving the value of your home are a few of the reasons why homeowners consider installing solar panels on roofs.  Across the country, more and more people are investing in solar power systems due to the incredible advancements made in this technology in recent years. … Continued
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