A suburban home with a garage and driveway suitable for retrofitting roofing.

Is retrofit roofing a good idea?

When faced with the need for a roof replacement, many property owners find retrofitting a more viable option. Here we explore all about retrofit roofing to help you make an informed decision. What is retrofit roofing? Retrofitting a roof means to install a new and improved roof over and above the existing roof structure instead … Continued
A house with mold and algae growing on its exterior walls and a garage in front of it.

How to get mold and algae off my roof?

Worried about mold and algae that you have spotted on your roof? Mold and algae should be dealt with to maintain your roof’s health and looks. Mold growth on the roof can be dangerous for your family’s health and are usually difficult to get rid of. So here are a few tips that can help … Continued
A house with a distinguished copper roofing, located on the corner of a street.

The pros and cons of copper roofing

Copper roofing is one of the oldest materials used to date. It not only gives a sustainable roofing system but also gives an attractive look to your property. Copper roofing is one of the roofing materials that offer many advantages, however, it has some disadvantages too. Therefore, homeowners should consult professional roofers who can determine … Continued
A shingled roof with two leaky skylights on it.

Leaky Skylights- Here is what you need to do

Leaky skylights is one of the common issues faced by many homeowners. Many years ago, skylights were installed only in the finest of homes to give it an exclusive feel. But now, most of the homes are built have skylights. Skylight is an architectural feature that helps bring in the natural light into the house … Continued
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